
Visualizzo 1-20 di 30 elementi.

(In inglese) How to implement subscription and pay-per-use licensing with dongles

Subscription and pay-per-use licensing models are becoming increasingly popular. They are attractive to customers, who only pay for software or services that they actively use, and they are popular with software vendors because they provide opportunities to fully monetise software.

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(In inglese) Solving the lost dongle problem

Martin Payne |
Dinkey Pro/FD DinkeyOMS

If a customer reports that a dongle is lost or stolen, are they telling the truth or trying to get an extra licence? How can you balance good customer service with protecting your revenue?

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(In inglese) Dinkey Pro version 8.0 released

This release includes everything you need to get started with DinkeyOMS, our new cloud-based licence management system for Dinkey Pro and Dinkey FD dongles.

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(In inglese) A guide to software licensing

This article explains the most common software licensing models and lists various ways you can enforce your software licence terms and conditions. Particular focus is given to how software protection systems can control the use of your software and the number of copies allowed.

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(In inglese) MFA using USB security keys

Nick Smith |
Autenticazione FIDO IT Sicurezza Hardware

USB MFA security keys are physical authentication devices that provide an additional layer of security beyond traditional passwords. They work using cryptographic protocols and by requiring the user to physically interact with the device in order to verify their identity.

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(In inglese) eID for German savings banks using the Feitian bR500 with electronic ID cards

Nick Smith |
Autenticazione e-ID Lettori Smart Card

In conjunction with S-Markt & Mehrwert savings banks in Germany can provide secure and convenient eID processes for their customers. The Feitian bR500 Bluetooth smart card reader makes this process possible on tablets and mobile.

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Che cos'è FIDO Autenticazione?

Nick Smith |
Autenticazione e-ID FIDO

FIDO, che sta per Fast IDentity Online, è una serie di standard di autenticazione mirati a rafforzare la procedura di accesso dell'utente ai servizi online. Gli standard sono sviluppati da FIDO Alliance e promuovono processi di autenticazione più veloci e più sicuri con l'obiettivo globale di eliminare del tutto l'accesso basato su password.

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(In inglese) Smartphone app for programming OATH OTP tokens via NFC

We are pleased to announce the release of our smartphone app for programming OATH OTP tokens. Using an NFC-enabled smartphone our programmable tokens can be flashed with new secret keys and settings. This allows hardware tokens to be used as a replacement for authenticator apps for 2FA/MFA on platforms including Microsoft Azure, Office365, AWS and Google.

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(In inglese) Dinkey Pro/FD version 7.6 released

The Dinkey Pro/FD Team |
ARM Protezione da copia Dinkey Pro/FD Linux macOS Shell Protezione software

The latest Dinkey Pro/FD release introduces support for Apple silicon.

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Accesso Smart Card in Windows che utilizza le schede e i token Feitian ePass2003 PKI

Nick Smith |
Autenticazione PKI Smart Card

L'accesso a Windows utilizzando Smart Card e token migliora significativamente la sicurezza dell'accesso per gli account degli utenti del dominio. Questo post fornisce una panoramica di accesso con Smart Card e delle opzioni di hardware disponibili presso Microcosm.

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(In inglese) How to protect your software intellectual property

Martin Payne |
Protezione IP Protezione software

You have invested a significant amount of time and creativity in writing your killer application but you are worried about a competitor or hacker reverse-engineering your software and stealing your intellectual property. What is the best way to protect it?

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(In inglese) How to copy-protect demos and trial software

It is common practice for software developers to release demo versions of their software so that potential customers can evaluate its functionality before purchasing it. This licensing model is usually known as trialware, demoware or "try before you buy". This article explores how software demos can be provided in a secure way while protecting IP and revenue streams.

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Che cos'è la protezione del software?

La protezione del software si riferisce a misure che possono essere prese da uno sviluppatore software per impedire l'uso non autorizzato del software, implementando accordi di licenza e l'uso di tecniche contro il debugging e il reverse-engineering per proteggere la proprietà intellettuale dal furto.

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(In inglese) Dinkey Pro/FD version 7.5 released

The Dinkey Pro/FD Team |
ARM Protezione da copia Dinkey Pro/FD Linux macOS Shell Protezione software

We're excited to bring you version 7.5 of the Dinkey Pro/FD SDK. Almost two years in the making, this release expands the capabilities of Dinkey Pro/FD in many different ways, allowing you to protect more software on more platforms than ever before.

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(In inglese) Microcosm, the software copy protection experts

Nick Smith |
Protezione da copia Protezione software

With over 30 years experience in the software protection industry, Microcosm offers a range of copy protection solutions that delivers the perfect combination of security and ease of use. In this post we outline our history and describe our current software protection solutions.

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(In inglese) One-time password: frequently asked questions

Nick Smith |
HOTP Password utilizzabile una sola volta OTP TOTP

Answers to common questions relating to importing, provisioning and managing OTP hardware tokens in 2FA and MFA environments.

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Standard Smart Card: Che cosa significano tutti gli standard?

Nick Smith |
NFC Smart Card Standard

Con così tanti standard esistenti in relazione alle Smart Card è importante comprendere il loro significato e la loro modalità di interesse. In questo articolo forniamo una panoramica di alcuni standard principali e del ruolo che giocano nell'eco-sistema delle Smart Card.

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(In inglese) Generic Identity Device Specification (GIDS) for smart card authentication

Nick Smith |
Autenticazione GIDS PKI Smart Card

GIDS sets out the functionality of a physical identity device that can be used for authentication, such as a smart card or USB token.

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Che cos'è PKCS#11?

Nick Smith |

PKCS#11 definisce un API per comunicare con token crittografici di sicurezza come Smart card, chiavi USB e Hardware Security Module (HSM). Noto anche come "Cryptoki", PKCS#11 fa parte degli standard di crittografia a chiave pubblica.

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(In inglese) Introducing our new partner, Korum Secure

Microcosm is pleased to announce that Korum Secure is our new distributor in France.

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