Microcosm selected as UK government G-Cloud supplier

Nick Smith | | Tempo di lettura 1 minuti
Autenticazione Software Cloud Digital Marketplace G-Cloud Novità SaaS

Microcosm is pleased to announce that it has been accepted as a G-Cloud 9 supplier by the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) as part of the latest iteration of the G-Cloud Framework.

SmartSign Identity and Access Management solution available on G-Cloud Digital Marketplace

This means that we are now able to provide our Identity & Access Management solution, SmartSign, to public sector organisations through the Cloud Software category of the Digital Marketplace.

This represents a major milestone for Microcosm with our SmartSign product and gives us the opportunity to expand into a key area of the UK economy.

G-Cloud is a UK government initiative that enables the whole of the public sector to purchase cloud-based services from approved suppliers through an online store called the Digital Marketplace.

For more information on the G-Cloud Framework and to access the Digital Marketplace, visit https://www.digitalmarketplace.service.gov.uk.

Crown Commercial Services supplier