SmartSign Prices

On this page you will find prices for SmartSign in Euros. Choose another currency:

We are happy to publish our prices. SmartSign pricing is designed to be affordable and cost effective. All user packs include the following:

  • No setup fee
  • No contract
  • Free SDK
  • Free support
  • Unlimited authentications
  • Free 10 user Starter Pack

Prices are quoted per user per year. By purchasing a user pack you pre-pay for that number of user licences. A user licence is valid for one year, beginning with the user's first authentication through SmartSign, after which time it will be renewed automatically from the balance of prepaid user licences on your account.

Prices listed on this page do not include tax.


Starter Pack

The Starter Pack allows you 10 free users each limited to 100 authentications. A user is valid for one year after which time it must be renewed from your prepaid user allowance.

10 users



25 users



50 users



100 users



500 users



1000 users



5000 users



10000 users


> 10000 users

For user packs of more than 10,000 users, please contact us.

Contact Us